Author: Leon Ware

Keyboard shortcuts you should be using

Fun fact: Did you know that the word “Typewriter” is the longest word you can type using only one row of the keyboard? We made a fact-o-graph about it. Keyboard shortcuts will speed up everything Basic Windows keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V: Cut, Copy and Paste Use these…
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Ada Lovelace was the first programmer and a woman

Ada Lovelace: The first computer programmer

Did you know the first known computer programmer was a woman? Her name was Ada Lovelace, and she lived in England, where she worked as a mathematician and writer. She is famous for working on the “Analytical Engine.” She is believed by some to be the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond…
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7 Amazing Podcasts for Technology Enthusiasts

Podcasts are a great way to stay current on the ever changing IT landscape. Here are 7 of our favorite podcasts we think everyone will like.

ransomware encrypted laptop with ransom note

Recovering Ransomware-Encrypted Files: Part 2

This is part two of a three part series on what to do if your files have been encrypted by ransomware.

wood computer mouse

Mouse in the house

The First Computer Mouse was Made of Wood The mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964 and consisted of a wooden shell, circuit board and two metal wheels that came into contact with the surface it was being used on.

image hsowing two laptops and one has a hacker using a fishing rod to collect data from the other as he is phishing and this is how ransomware gets on your computer

Learn To Spot Phishing Attacks

Phishing is such a big problem that it was responsible for the majority of hacks in 2020.

image showing ransom note after malware file encryption

Recovering Ransomware-Encrypted Files: Part 1

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts all of your data so that it can no longer be accessed by you, before demanding payment for the files to be decrypted. If it happens to you, what do you do?

Man frustrated with Telstra service not working properly and looking at computers while stressed by problems. slow internet

How to fix internet and landline dropouts on Telstra NBN

The implementation of the NBN has been a mixed bag of technologies. For many businesses in regional Australia however, the NBN has been a step backwards in performance – with constant drop-outs, crawling speeds and unusable landline phones.

neo from the matrix showing hackers and how to deal with ransomware

Recovering Ransomware-Encrypted Files: Part 3

Anyone can be a victim of a Ransomware attack. Learn what to do if your files are encrypted.